World Public Service Day

Today is World #PublicServiceDay!

The Suwannee County Clerk of the Circuit Court is honored to serve our community and provide vital services to the constituents of Suwannee County.


Duties of the Comptroller

Clerk of Circuit Court, Barry Baker also serves as our Suwannee County Comptroller, acting as the Chief Financial Officer, auditor, accountant and custodian of county funds.

Collectively, Comptrollers manage nearly $13 billion in county investments each year, making sure funds are secure while earning a return on investment.


Click here to find out more about the duties of the County Comptroller.

Clerk of Circuit Court & Comptroller, Barry Baker Is Committed To Security

With a high volume of information traveling through Clerks’ offices every day, the security and protection of your information is essential.

Clerks of Court in Florida are authorized to redact specific information from official records and court files upon request. This helps safeguard privacy and protect a party’s sensitive information, such as bank account information and social security numbers.#FLClerks

Families Depend on the Clerk of the Court

Each year, thousands of families depend on Clerks of Court to maintain accurate child support payment records.

This process provides accountability within Florida’s child support system, helping to ensure obligations are met and the basic needs of children are provided.#FLClerks